I’m Simone

Teaching and sharing Yoga is my passion and my JOY

Twenty-five years ago my beloved Yoga Teacher Marion Vaughan (Serendipitus Yoga School), came up to me at the completion of a Yoga class. She smiled and said “You my darling are going to be a Yoga Teacher.”

The following years saw me immersed, guided and nurtured through the teachings of a Yoga practise, that has been handed down with love from Teacher to Student for generations. A heart based lineage of knowledge shared as a lifelong gift.

In 2005, Marion retired and I found myself another inspiring teacher Alison Cassidy (Kumbada Yoga & Creative Dance.) For fifteen years as a student with Alison continued to grow and evolve as a Yoga Teacher. Influenced by her creativity in movement, her innate delivery of instruction through metaphor and intuitive deliverance of every class.

In 2021, Alison retired and I am now in the Divine loving hands of Libby Mitchell (Yarra Valley Yoga.) I am soaking in her limitless knowledge and cherishing every pearly drop of the wisdom she so effortlessly delivers to every class.